Monday, May 3, 2010

Modular Bamboo Furiture System that Uses Local Craftsmen

Using templates and jigs local craftsmen create the modular elements to form a wide variety of furniture forms. This has the potential to be a great model for local production done on a small scale that provides employment using few upfront costs to the craftsmen. A payment structure for this kind of piecemeal work could easily be utilized.


Red Shed Bike Shop Program Participation Forms

This is the Program Participation Form I developed for the Red Shed bike shop. The idea is to get kids involved with the permission of their parents in activities that train them to fix bikes and to take care of their own by using the RSBS tools responsibly. I am sure that it will evolve as the program develops but for now it is the model we developed after careful consideration of the various challenges of successfully building the structure of the RSBS. Any comments are welcome.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flier for the opening the Red Bike Shed

The goal is to open the Red Bike Shed with a certain level of functionality at the beginning of May, and work on the many other things that need to be organized after that.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Exploitative Microfinance

The NYT put out a story today that talks about the entrance of big banking institutions into Microfinance, and the outrageous interest rates; some over 100% annually that they are charging. I think this raises a larger question for the world of social entrepreneurship. When a socially entrepreneurial model for creating a sustained business is proven, what is there to stop traditional business from expanding into that niche with profit as their primary goal not social good?

New York Times Article: Big Banks Draw Profits From Microloans to Poor

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photos From Red Bike Shed Site Visit

Front of the Shed. Sandbagged from the flooding last week.

Warren opening the Shop Container.