Wednesday, February 24, 2010

on "Reshaping Social Entrepreneurship by PAUL C. LIGHT"

"Whereas philanthropists almost always
focus on the individual, venture capitalists almost
always focus on the leadership team and the organization
to back it."

The smart money is on the venture capitalist not the philanthropists on this one.

It seems that in the world of implementers there is a shortage of ideas to overcome problems and in the world of ideas there is a shortage of people who can implement those ideas. Pulling together the team that has people from both backgrounds working together is what is needed. It is why the above quote makes so much sense to me.

The very broad definition of social entrepreneur offered at the end of Light's article seems to just call that group working for change by a new name, these are the activists, the abolitionists, the suffragists of past. The same people doing basically the same work just a different name. Why can't we learn from them as much as anyone can learn from looking at someone's actions. In spite of this academic discussion of what is or isn't a social entrepreneur. It seems that what makes someone a success is the nerve to just go out and do it and worry about finding people with the skills to make it happen and figure out the details later.

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